Audiomica Laboratory- Beryl Gold
(XLRm to TRS, balanced)
Das Beryl Gold ist prädestiniert um mit aktiven Studiomonitoren detailgetreu in deinem Studio abzuhören.
Auch die Verkabelung deiner analogen Peripherie profitiert enorm durch interferenzfreie, hochwertige Klangübertragung.
Beryl Gold is a great analogue interconnect cable designed to be used in two channel connections or Audio-Visual systems. The cable offer great frequency response and fantastic bass.
The best results gives when used in set with Kammer Clear speaker cable.
Beryl Gold has concentric structure and is equipped with a DFSS anti-interference filter and the DSS double screening system.
The cable is hand-terminated with gold-plated RCA or XLR plugs.
The original cord is packed in a signed box. The box includes the certificate of authenticity, a brochure with the description of the series, a product code and a personal quality assurance.
Beryl Gold is a universal analogue interconnect cable for Hi-Fi and Audio-Visual systems.
Beryl Gold:
> the best (re-)solution for adequate Sound! <
Conductors: OFC, 5N
Screen: Copper braid
Wire dia./cross section: 2×0,64mm/2×0,32mm2
Cable diameter: ~ 7mm
Antistatic Couplers: Available for: Premium, Luxury
Filter (option): DFSS (Premium), TFSS (Luxury)
Plugs: RCA, XLR
Number of possible configurations: 9
• Handmade Made in Poland
Du wirst die Standard Version als XLRm/TRS balanced, mit 3.5m Länge für 14 Tage von uns erhalten
Die Testphase startet ab dem 7. September 2023.
(This Promo Campaign is supposed for germany and neighbouring countries.
Despite that, feel free to contact us from elsewhere than the mentioned ones, if you're interested)