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Audiomica Laboratory - Jasper Reference Highend Audio Kabel


Es lohnt sich, sich den Hifi Kabel Hersteller Audiomica Laboratory mal genauer anzuschauen, vor allem zu hören, denn Audiomica liefert beste Hifi Kabel für exzellente Klangqualität, auch im Vergleich zu den bereits etablierten Marken.


Der Highend Kabel Geheimtipp!

Wir empfehlen das Jasper Power Cord immer wieder gerne;


Artikulierte und separierte Separation mit punchigem Lowend, sowie eine ausgewogene, gute räumliche Darstellung und präziser Hochton, der aber trotzdem ausgewogen und nicht stressig oder fordernd wird - auch bei langen Hörsessions. Ein Hifi Netzkabel für audiophile Hifi Fans!

Sehr gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis!


From the lower, up to the highend range, Audiomica Laboratory's speaker cables,interconnects & digital cables offer pristine resolution, an accurate presentation of the soundstage, a natural, detailed and musical image of what's happening throughout the entire frequency range.

Perfect to step up from an already good sounding system to an unbeatable one.


We are quite impressed and have been testing their products on various points of audio setups!


In order to enhance current efficiency, Jasper Reference is build of seven 14 AWG electrolytic copper conductors of the highest purity. Each wire consists of 25 helical twisted microconductors.
The screen is made from twisted aluminium foil and a dense copper screen. Jasper Reference can be equipped with TFCT filter, which works as a power conditioner.
The cord was designed to reduce a hum level and enhance dimensionality, transparency and dynamics.
The original cord is packed in a signed box. The box includes the certificate of authenticity, a brochure with the description of the series, a product code and a personal quality assurance.
Jasper Reference: dynamic and interference-free sound! Truly uncompromising power cord! The version with a power conditioner (TFCT filter) available.

Verions available
Standard - Basic without any Filter: Filter = /
Premium - Option (Filter without Coupler): Filter = TFCT
Luxury - Option (Filter + Smart Coupler): Filter = TFCT Double

   Conductors: Four conductive wires of electrolytic copper
   Screen 1: 90% cover dense copper braid
   Screen 2: Metalized foil
   Wire dia./cross section: 4x2,05mm/4x3,31mm2
   Cable diameter: ~ 12mm
   Filter (conditioner): TFCT (option)
   Plugs: Highest quality AC/IEC plugs
   Color: Red
   Series: Red Series


• Handmade Made in Poland

• Custom Orders possible


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Audiomica Laboratory - Jasper Reference Power Cord

650,00 €Prix
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