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Siemens (Sitral) W295b belongs to the family of German modules developed mainly for broadcast use. They were one of the first to use transistor-based amplifiers to compensate for the gain lost within the passive filter network.
All buffered with nice Haufe transformers on both input and output, replicated with exact specifications and sonic richness.
The main point is the fidelity to the original design with the extra precision of the controls that makes it suitable for Mastering.

The Highs: The filters are soft and designed with the program material in mind. The two extremes, for example, form a curve similar to a slope if it cuts with one and increases with the other. Although most of the time it's just the high range that is used (to get a nice soft air/air).

The lows: The low frequencies are powerful, stable and solid on their own, used in combination with the highs you get the characteristic American smiley curve equalization, sometimes even with a dip in the middle. In classic vintage mastering this results in an immediate journey through time that is absolutely recognizable and charming.

The mids: The mid band is very colorful when used for highlighting. Also, the Q becomes narrower as it is highlighted/cut.A traditional use is to raise a dB between 2.3-5.6, voices, guitars, etc…

The character of the sound slightly softens the transients and loses some lows Kultrumm Audio Labs extended the frequency range to bring the Siemens w295 to the standards of music in 2021.
The extended ones beyond 30Hz and Highs above 20Khz. Preserving sweetness and delivering creaminess in the sound.All controls are staggered.

In the original the bands are staggered in 2db and 3db but for current standards and mastering requirements Kultrumm Audio Labs decided to do it in steps of 1db, this being the right measurement to obtain the Sweet Spot very easily and with admirable results.

The simple and the beautiful return from the past and happen at the same time in the Kultrumm Eq 295.

Transformer balanced xlr input and output: Yes
True bypass: Yes
Low shelf: 100 Hz +- 15 dBs in steps of 1-2 dBs
Mid Bell: 0.7- 1- 1.5- 2.3- 3.5 – 5.6 kHz +- 8 dBs in steps of 0.5 – 1 dB
High shelf: 210 kHz +- 15 dBs in steps of 1 -2 dBs
High: Yes

Kultrumm Audio Labs - W295 Equalizer

La note est de 5.0 sur cinq étoiles sur la base de 1 avis
1 899,00 €Prix
TVA Incluse |
estimated delivery time 1-2 months
  •  Each Kultrumm Audio Labs unit is build by hand after your order and payment!




Noté 5 sur 5.
Basé sur 1 avis
1 avis

  • Yannik24 avr.
    Noté 5 sur 5.
    Warm, punchy...und tight!

    Der W295 ist suuuper! :)

    Nutze ihn sowohl beim Recording hinter dem MicPre und oft auch um Vocals oder Samples aus der DAW auszuspielen und mit ihm zu veredeln.

    Avis utile ?
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